Surprise for TUSD Teacher
March 11, 2016

Surprise for TUSD Teacher
A seventh grader at a TUSD middle school hopes to help her teacher boldly go where no man has gone before…
Doolen Middle School math teacher Michelle Reed is a huge Star Trek fan… For those of you who get the two space sagas mixed up, this is different from the recent Star Wars frenzy.
On Friday, Ms. Reed was gifted a commemorative Star Trek prop and pin from the Tucson Trekkies Club and she even got to sit in a replica of Captain Kirk’s command chair…
For Trekkies this is a big deal and for the rest of us, this is “Geek Mode.”
Nonetheless, Reed’s student, Mia Tucker, also wanted to help her teacher go on her dream vacation, a Star Trek cruise. With a little help, she started a Go Fund Me page to help pay for the trip.
“Ms. Reed is just a great teacher,” said Mia. “All of us at Doolen really love her, the staff [and] the faculty.”
Currently, the page has received over $2,775. The trip is projected to cost $7,000.
Anyone who wishes to donate to help fund Reed’s dream vacation is encouraged to visit