Happy Driving!
July 22, 2015

Happy While Driving …And Other Mindful Hacks That Serve You On the Wide Open Road.
There is no doubt about it – we live in a very hectic world…
Everything can be reached, researched, deleted, liked, tweeted, loved on, hated on, scrolled through, poked at, pinned up, checked off …
All with a tap.
It’s so fast, that fast isn’t good enough.
Can we agree that some of us have gotten… impatient?
Okay we see some of you are being honest…
Just to be clear: This isn’t a post dogging on technology or an analysis on the brainwave patterns stimulated or muted out by our “addiction” to our smart EVERYTHING…
No… this is a post to simply remind all of the drivers out there to get into your car and get a little more centered and SLOW DOWN mentally.
It’s a little nudge to get into your car and pause for a moment…
Put your phone away (remember PLEASE don’t text and drive… PLEASE)….
Sink into your seat…put your seatbelt on…
And pause to make sure all is in working order for optimal driving…
Be centered with the task of driving…
And THEN pull off into the direction of your destination.
Why? Why all this meditation talk over driving?
More and more statistics are arising that show the average driver is moderately if not severely distracted while driving…
Distracted with the day’s thoughts, with their phones (see above warning), with food, drink, phone call, loud music, on and on…
Research is also surfacing and pointing to these distractions as contributors to more frustration or anger when confronted with other drivers…
Pause here for a second and think of the last time you may have yelled or cursed out another driver for cutting you off or not “safely or appropriately driving”…
That energy is often coming from a place that has little to do with the other driver and more with what’s going on in your brain i.e. my boss just dropped a 150 page report on my desk for the weekend…
Or I just got a weird text from my *name here* …
Or ALL OF THIS TRAFFIC *bang head here*
We want to be clear that we aren’t saying situations on the road can’t or won’t be frustrating…
Rather we are saying that if drivers can come into their car with a more centered approach, the drive may be a much more relaxed and focused one…
What about getting into your car and putting on your favorite jam and reflecting on everything GOOD that happened in the day…
What if you called an old friend that you’ve been meaning to touch base with?
What if all of this contributed to a more compassionate drive home or to work or to the DMV …
Okay sorry we brought up the DMV but you get the picture!
Less negative energy is expended on the driver who cut you off or beating someone to the parking spot and more is spent saying:
“Whatever, you can have the spot” or “Here I’ll let you get into this lane”
More of that can contribute to safe driving which may lead to… dare we say…
Happy driving!
We would love for anyone reading this post to try out the little tips above and report back to us on how helpful it was on the road and how helpful it was to the mind!