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Please note: We appreciate your interest in claims for Zantac. We are no longer taking Zantac case submissions at this time. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about any other legal issues, recalls, faulty products, dangerous drugs, or defective medical equipment.
Suppose you used Zantac or a generic drug version and have or previously had cancer. In that case, you may be eligible to join the current claimants by filing an individual personal injury lawsuit, joining a class action if one forms, or joining the multidistrict litigation already underway.
A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer from Zanes Law can help you build a claim in this situation. We are accepting Zantac cancer claims from claimants nationwide. If you want to discuss your potential case with a member of our team, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
You can discuss all your options with a Phoenix personal injury lawyer from our firm. Call or fill out our online contact form to get started.
In November 2019, the popular heartburn and acid reflux drug Zantac and some formulations of its generic, ranitidine, were pulled from shelves in the United States because there is reason to believe these medications contain a probable carcinogen.
If you took Zantac and developed cancer, you may be able to take legal action to hold the drug manufacturer liable. At Zanes Law, we have gathered the information and resources you need to learn more about the risks posed by Zantac and ranitidine and determine whether you should contact a Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney about your case.
We can file a personal injury lawsuit, help you join a mass tort, or explain other options for pursuing compensation for your damages and recovering a payout to help pay for your treatment and care today.
As of March 2020, more than 140 lawsuits were pending against the manufacturers and distributors of Zantac and ranitidine medications, including prescription and over-the-counter products.
At Zanes Law, our team can review the facts of your case to determine if you are eligible to file a Zantac lawsuit. In general, you may be able to take legal action if you have a documented history of:
We may be able to help you prove the link between your cancer and the medication, building a compelling case to support your claim or present it in court. We can go to work on your case quickly after your initial consultation.
If you will benefit from joining a mass tort, we will take action to help you join the Zantac multidistrict litigation pending in a Florida court. Participating in this mass tort will help us reduce the cost of conducting a full investigation and proving the link between Zantac and an increased risk of cancer on our own.
Both over-the-counter and prescription versions of Zantac show levels of a potentially carcinogenic compound that exceed the levels allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to the documents filed by claimants, there may be links between this drug and several types of cancers.
The chemicals in Zantac represent a possible human carcinogen. Scientists have linked the medication to a possibly increased risk of developing:
You may also experience a higher risk of developing other forms of cancer after taking Zantac. We can review the link to cancer when you contact us. Your Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer will review the facts of your case and evaluate the strength of your claim on your behalf, free of charge.
There is no obligation to sign up with us, although we make this process quick and easy if you decide to. We can handle your sign-up on the same call as your case review. There is no reason to make an appointment or call back unless you want to take some time to think about your decision.
As a part of your initial case evaluation, your Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney can explain your possible routes for seeking compensation and offer essential advice based on the unique aspects of your case. You may be able to:
Once you decide to move forward and sign on for our help, we will take over the management of your case. We strive to make your legal case as low-stress and easy for you as possible. We will handle every step of the process. We can:
Let our Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyers go to work on your case today. We know how to build a claim and pursue damages based on the injuries and damages you suffered due to a dangerous and defective drug that could cause stomach or bladder cancer. We are here to help.
There are dozens of lawsuits against Zantac and other ranitidine drug companies in multidistrict litigation. Thousands more are likely, and the numbers could hit five digits. Ranitidine is a very popular drug, and millions have used it.
In these lawsuits, claimants who used ranitidine and later developed cancer allege:
From the USA Today report published in November 2019, strong evidence shows that a public health statement raised concerns about the risk of N-nitroso dimethylamine, or NDMA, in these medications more than 30 years ago.
According to the FDA, there are known links between NDMA and cancer in animals, and it is a “probable carcinogen” in humans. Find out more if you develop stomach cancer or another cancer after exposure to Zantac.
As a part of the lawsuit and multidistrict litigation against the drug manufacturers, the lawyers handling the case will need to gather evidence and prove that the medications have a link to cancer and that the drug companies knew these drugs could metabolize and release unsafe levels of NDMA.
When seeking damages in a Zantac cancer lawsuit, your attorney will document your related expenses and losses and determine a fair value for your injuries due to your cancer diagnosis and treatment.
This stage will require our team to collect various evidence to show the financial, emotional, and physical impact on you and your family. Evidence could include:
Our team can effectively build a case that allows you to seek financial compensation that may include:
While we cannot take away the pain and suffering you endured, we can reduce your stress and help you pursue financial recovery, and try to hold the liable drug company accountable. Find out more with a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer.
To learn if you can build a case to sue Zantac manufacturers or another liable party, contact Zanes Law today for a free review of your case.
Our attorneys know how to navigate dangerous and defective drug cases and can help you navigate the process of holding the drug manufacturer or another party liable.
Suppose our attorneys believe you have a compelling case against a drug manufacturer or distributor. In that case, we can explain your legal options and help you understand the best way to pursue compensation for the damages you sustained. In general, there are three ways we may be able to approach a Zantac case:
A Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney can file an individual lawsuit against Zantac on your behalf, building a case and pursuing a settlement or court award.
According to one document filed in the Zantac multidistrict litigation (MDL 2924), there are already thousands of cases pending in courts across the county. We can help you gather evidence and work toward securing compensation for your damages.
MDL 2924 is already underway in a Florida court as of March 2020. Participating in MDL offers a distinct advantage over taking your case to court individually. If your claim is similar to others in the MDL, they likely share many of the same facts.
This similarity includes the need to prove the link between your Zantac use and your cancer diagnosis. To this end, establishing a Zantac cancer case will likely require a wealth of evidence that includes the following:
It will be necessary to help the judge and jury understand the chemical properties of NDMA, how Zantac reacts during metabolism, and how NDMA interacts with other substances.
The expenses for this part of the discovery process will add up quickly and could be more than the worth of one individual case. However, all cases in an MDL share discovery and pretrial motions, so participants share the costs. Learn more with a Zantac cancer lawyer.
The last option, participating in a class action settlement, may be the best option for people who are angry that the drug companies failed to warn them of the cancer risk and put their lives in danger. This option works if you suffer no ill effects from exposure to Zantac.
If this class action is approved, class members could recover the money they spent purchasing Zantac and other generic ranitidine products.
Based on documents filed in the Zantac (Ranitidine) Products Liability Litigation (MDL 2924), the claimants in the Zantac cancer cases consolidated by the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation suffered from many kinds of cancers caused by Zantac that began in various locations in their bodies.
Scientists link more than one cancer to Zantac and other ranitidine drugs or NDMA exposure from other sources. Instead, the claims seem to point to a carcinogen that can affect the body in various ways and cause tumors to develop and metastasize in almost any area.
Some studies claim that scientists have published nearly two hundred articles demonstrating NDMA’s propensity to induce tumors at numerous organ sites. The document cites several sources for this information, including:
These studies and articles and the researchers who authored them will likely play a central role in the Zantac MDL and any individual cases filed. The information will probably be necessary to show a link between Zantac and cancer development in humans.
The “numerous organ sites” mentioned include but are not limited to, the following:
Many of the claimants involved in MDL 2924 have or had cancer that originated in these areas. However, others report tumors growing in other areas or having different types of cancer.
We must wait to see what kinds of cancer occur most commonly among claimants, mainly because there are currently only a small number of cases filed compared to the millions of people who use these popular over-the-counter and prescription medications.
It is important to note that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) links NDMA only to liver and lung cancers. Additionally, the CDC only links the drug to animals such as mice and rats used for scientific testing.
The CDC reports no known and proven cases of NDMA-caused human cancer as of March 2020. However, there may be evidence that surfaces as a result of this MDL and other independent Zantac cancer lawsuits that changes that stance.
It may be possible for claimants to prove a link between Zantac, NDMA, and various cancers. The CDC agrees that there may be a reason to believe that NDMA can cause human cancer, but there are no proven reports of this happening.
The long-term side effects of Zantac and other ranitidine products provide a possible link with a wide variety of cancers. Studies seem to point to the possibility of NDMA contamination leading to cancer, and MDL 2924 alleges that the metabolism of this drug creates even higher levels of NDMA. The CDC agrees that NDMA could connect to cancer in humans.
In animals, there is a known link between NDMA and cancerous tumors. In fact, laboratories manufacture this chemical specifically for use in testing because it can induce tumor growth. There is a strong link between eating, drinking, or breathing NDMA and the development of lung cancer or liver cancer in laboratory animals such as mice, rats, and hamsters.
Scientists see other long-term side effects of NDMA exposure in these animals. Possible consequences of long-term, low-level exposure and short-term, high-level exposure to NDMA include:
Regarding the long-term side effects of Zantac in humans, there are reports of adverse events in addition to cancer. This information comes from the product monograph for Zantac as prepared by manufacturer Sanofi.
Most of these side effects and adverse events are short-lived and disappear with discontinuation of the medication. Some require additional medical attention. Most commonly, relatively mild side effects of ranitidine include:
When it comes to adverse events reports, the list is longer and more serious. However, it is essential to remember that the company must list all adverse events reported, and there may be little proof of causation in some cases.
These adverse events are generally rare or very rare. They include:
Zantac was long thought to be generally safe and effective until the allegations that it could possibly cause cancer arose in late 2019. It first came on the market in the 1980s, and there have been few reports of long-term injuries proven to be related to the medication.
You can review possible side effects in more detail with a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer or your healthcare provider.
Zantac was taken off the market voluntarily by French drug manufacturer Sanofi in 2019, which included a voluntary recall for both the prescription and over-the-counter versions of this heartburn and GERD medication.
The FDA recommended this move after the discovery that the medication contained levels of the “probable carcinogen” NDMA that exceeded the allowable limits for daily exposure the agency has in place to protect consumers.
After the Zantac recall, many manufacturers of generic ranitidine pulled their products because of NDMA contamination. Others followed suit out of an abundance of caution. Another H2 blocker used to treat heartburn, Axid, and its generic, nizatidine, also experienced related recalls.
The FDA discovered NDMA in a popular medication and urged the manufacturer to pull it from the market before the current issues with Zantac. According to the FDA, they did the same in 2018 when they discovered impurities in popular blood pressure and heart failure medicines.
They recommended recalls of several Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) in 2018 and 2019. NDMA is an environmental contaminant that occurs regularly in the world around us. Everyone likely receives exposure to the contaminant on a regular basis.
It is in drinking water, many foods, and industrial byproducts that end up in the air and water. However, exposure to a larger individual dose or small doses over a long period of time, like with a medication you take daily, could lead to profound health implications.
The FDA does not seem overly concerned about the possible link between this type of medication and increased cancer risk. They did not advise people to stop using the drug but encouraged them to talk to their doctors about it if they wished to use an alternative medication.
The FDA’s approach to this is likely two-fold:
The Zantac cancer lawsuits, however, show a much scarier picture. They claim proof of a link between this medication and cancer in humans. At the same time, they do not deny that the NDMA levels in Zantac are relatively low.
However, they believe the cancer risk lies in the high levels created when the body metabolizes Zantac. Find out more about this situation and unacceptable levels of NDMA with your Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney.
While drug manufacturer Sanofi lists heart arrhythmias as a possible adverse reaction in the Zantac monograph, there is no evidence that Zantac affects your heart once you discontinue the medication. This side effect is the only heart-related or adverse reaction in the monograph.
This side effect is a rare but known adverse reaction experienced by some people who use any type of histamine H2 receptor antagonist, known as an H2 blocker. Ranitidine is a member of this class of drugs, which also includes:
If this adverse reaction happens to you, discontinue use immediately. However, you should not experience any lasting symptoms or damage. According to Sanofi, most people who experience this and other adverse reactions are taking a high-dose prescription oral pill version of Zantac or a generic medication.
Other ranitidine products, such as low-dose over-the-counter formulations, seem less likely to cause adverse effects. Heart arrhythmias related to H2 blockers, such as those presented in the Zantac product monograph, may include:
The monograph also reports heart palpitations and increased blood pressure as an adverse reaction. Still, it is essential to note that they must list every reported reaction, so there is no way to know if there is a causal relationship between these symptoms and the medication.
If these occur due to taking Zantac or a related medication, they generally disappear quickly after the person discontinues using the drug. While Zantac is unlikely to cause lasting heart concerns, other alternative medicines to treat heartburn and reflux may.
A Stanford Medicine study found that some heartburn drugs may boost the risk of heart attack in people prescribed ongoing treatment with proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), another popular gastroesophageal reflux disease treatment.
They found that, over 17 years, those taking PPIs were between 16 and 21 percent more likely to have a heart attack than those who took no medication or those who took Zantac or another H2 blocker.
The study found no increased risk of heart attack among those who took an H2 blocker versus those who took no medication. Brand name PPIs include Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid, while H2 blockers include Tagamet, Pepcid, and Zantac. Find out more with a Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney.
The Zantac cancer lawsuits allege that injuries caused by Zantac include cancer, requiring them to undergo expensive treatment and miss significant time away from work, among other damages.
Undoubtedly, some ranitidine medications contain at least small amounts of NDMA. According to the CDC, NDMA does cause cancer and non-cancerous liver damage in laboratory animals.
This finding is factual both with single high-level doses and multiple low-level doses received over a long period of time. This exposure is the same type a person might experience if they took medication with the contaminant daily for several months or years.
While there are not yet any confirmed ties to cancer in humans, as reported by the CDC, the Zantac cancer lawsuits allege there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of cases.
Documents submitted in conjunction with these court actions allege that the NDMA in Zantac and the NDMA that occurs after your body metabolizes Zantac can also trigger tumor growth in humans. The types and locations of cancer involved vary widely. They may include:
The treatment plan and prognosis can differ widely from case to case because there are many types of cancers, original locations, and stages. In addition to the treatment plans, the costs of missing work and the emotional tolls of fighting cancer can lead to significant losses for these cancer patients.
Large payouts may be forthcoming for the claimants who filed lawsuits and joined the Zantac MDL if they can prove their case in court. Many of them may be struggling financially after quitting work to recover or being unable to pay for the necessary treatment to fight their cancer.
If we take on your case and can negotiate a fair settlement or secure an award, some of the recoverable damages may include:
We also pursue wrongful death actions for qualifying families. If your loved one used Zantac and later developed cancer but has since passed away, you may be able to take legal action. A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer can help you gather evidence and build a case for compensation for you and other surviving family members.
Want to learn more about what the FDA says about Zantac? The agency reports the information on its website. The FDA continues to monitor the situation to ensure dangerous or defective drugs do not endanger people. The agency said:
The initial recall that occurred did so at the urging of the FDA. The federal regulatory agency discovered that NDMA had contaminated some H2 blocker medications; These medicines tested at levels above their allowable daily intake level of 96 nanograms per day.
In addition to contacting the drug companies about the impurities in their products, the FDA posted the results of their ranitidine testing and encouraged both the companies they tested and others to conduct their own testing.
In addition to the brand name drug, many generics pulled their products from the market because of NDMA contamination. In contrast, others did because they wanted to take any steps necessary to protect consumers, even if there was no apparent problem.
The FDA carefully mentions that the ranitidine products they tested for the NDMA impurity only contained levels slightly above the agency’s maximum allowable level.
As of March 2020, they have not released studies or commented on the allegations in the Zantac cancer lawsuits that these medications release high amounts of NDMA when taken with certain foods and metabolized in the body.
The FDA continues to test medications and consider additional recalls if an H2 blocker or another type of medication tests above the allowable daily limit for NDMA.
Whether or not this goes far enough to protect consumers likely depends on who you ask. Those who believe NDMA-contaminated drugs caused their cancer, or cancer that took the life of their loved one, are not likely to agree that the agency is taking aggressive enough action.
NDMA is a contaminant commonly found in a wide variety of places in the environment, and we likely come into contact with low levels of the chemical every day.
The CDC reports that NDMA naturally forms as a byproduct of many manufacturing processes and is expected in industrial areas’ air, water, and soil. It is also present in tobacco smoke and chewing tobacco. Some of the common substances that may contain the contamination include:
Many people come into contact with NDMA when eating cured meats, particularly bacon and ham, smoked fish, and salted fish. It can also occur in the stomach during the breakdown and digestion of foods containing alkylamine.
This last area concerns the claimants in the Zantac cancer MDL. Documents submitted in this case show that they believe the metabolism of Zantac leads to a high-dose exposure of NDMA when combined with the digestion of some types of foods.
You can learn more about this exposure with a Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney.
NDMA is dangerous because scientists have linked it to several serious health concerns, risks, and medical conditions, including cancer and liver failure. According to the Zantac cancer lawsuit, NDMA is produced commercially in the United States for only one purpose: to be used in laboratory animals to stimulate tumor growth.
Researchers need to induce tumor growth in animals so that they can:
As you can imagine, the lawsuit points to this fact as a part of the argument against why no amount of NDMA is safe in medications.
According to the CDC, the mice, rats, hamsters, and other animals involved in these studies generally develop tumors on their livers or lungs after NDMA exposure from their food, water, or air. Liver failure, internal bleeding, and death are also common.
According to the lawsuits, there is evidence to show that NDMA may also cause tumors in numerous locations in humans, including the:
If the claimants can prove a link between this dangerous contaminant and their cancer, it will be vital that we monitor NDMA levels much more closely. This case will affect not only medications but also food and the environment.
There is also concern about NDMA levels associated with Zantac and other medications being much higher than we realize. Learn more with a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer.
While the possibility of NDMA contamination that exceeds FDA allowances is a concern, it is much more concerning that the lawsuits allege much higher NDMA levels in the body when people take Zantac and related drugs in conjunction with eating food that increases levels on their own.
Many of these are the same foods that might give someone heartburn, such as pizza or hot dogs.
The lawsuits claim that when people use these medicines alongside these specific foods, the NDMA levels rise “tens of thousands of times” higher than the FDA’s approved limits. They say these levels likely contribute to the development of cancer and other adverse medical conditions.
There are alternatives to Zantac, but discussing your options with your doctor is essential. In September 2019, while the FDA did not issue a recommendation to stop using ranitidine and, in fact, said it was generally safe to continue using it, most brands recalled the drug. Some companies recalled medications that did not contain NDMA out of an abundance of caution.
If you previously took Zantac either over the counter or via prescription, it may be time to find another medication to treat your heartburn, reflux, or other condition. The best place to start, especially if you take a prescription ranitidine medication, is to talk to your doctor.
Your doctor or pharmacist can offer an opinion on your treatment options for over-the-counter treatment.
In some situations, you must continue to take some type of acid reducer, whether this is another H2 blocker, a PPI, or an antacid. Choosing the right one is essential because many have their own health concerns, and you may need to avoid some alternatives based on your risks for complications and adverse effects.
However, failure to properly manage a condition that causes the buildup of acid in your throat can lead to cancer or other severe medical conditions. In addition, acid indigestion is an easily manageable condition that can negatively impact your life. It may even disrupt your sleep.
Most ranitidine alternatives, like Zantac, come in over-the-counter and prescription forms. You may find an adequate option in your local drugstore if you previously treated your condition with a store-brand over-the-counter product or name-brand Zantac.
However, you must read the instructions carefully before starting an alternative medication because manufacturers only design some alternatives for short-term use, usually for two weeks. You could experience health concerns using it longer than directed.
Your options for a pill to help you manage your heartburn, GERD, sour stomach, or other hyper acidic condition include H2 blockers without the risk of NDMA contamination or PPIs. PPIs include:
Other H2 blocker options include:
We suggest working with your doctor or pharmacist to select your new medication because they will be able to help you choose the medicine that will work best for you based on your:
You can discuss your options with a doctor and Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney.
Suppose you ever purchased Zantac or another heartburn and reflux drug containing ranitidine, and you have documentation of some sort to prove it. In that case, you can likely join the Zantac class action lawsuit. The basis of this lawsuit is not a cancer diagnosis.
Instead, it is a defective product claim based on the lack of adequate warning about the cancer risk. You may qualify for compensation if the case gets approved if:
As a part of this case, the attorneys who filed the class action lawsuit will need to prove there was a real risk of cancer and the drug manufacturer did not issue an adequate warning to users. As of March 2020, MDL 2924 shows six proposed Zantac class action lawsuits awaiting approval. Therefore, there were no official class actions in March 2020.
The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation included these cases when they consolidated more than 100 personal injury cases – and likely many more forthcoming – into the Zantac multidistrict litigation, MDL 2924.
This action will allow the potential class action cases access to information from the discovery in the MDL. They must use the same evidence to prove the connection between Zantac, NDMA, and cancer as the personal injury cases.
In a class action case, the claimants, called class members, can recover a smaller payout without having each member file a lawsuit and go to court. The most likely payout in the Zantac class action is the recovery of compensation spent on purchasing the medication.
Right now, in March 2020, approval of this class action lawsuit depends on the ability of the attorneys handling it to prove that:
In an MDL, the claimants pursue individual damages based on their unique damages and losses. In a class action, on the other hand, most participants will receive roughly the same payout. In this case, a refund for the money you spend on the drug.
Zanes Law can help you decide if joining the Zantac class action is the right choice. You do not have to decide right now. You can always wait until you receive a notification about the certified class or see an advertisement to make a decision.
You can do a few things if you or a loved one were affected by Zantac, especially if you took Zantac and then received a cancer diagnosis. If you believe this happened to you, a defective drug attorney from Zanes Law will review your case for free.
All you have to do is call to discuss the facts of your case with a Zantac cancer lawsuit attorney today. We can help you understand if you are eligible to take legal action based on the facts and strength of your case.
We can also help you understand how long you have to take legal action. Every state has its own rules regarding how long you have to file a lawsuit. As a part of reviewing your case, we can explain the rules that will apply and how long you have to file a lawsuit.
We know what it takes to build a strong case supported by the available evidence and can do this on your behalf or the behalf of your loved one. If you want to come into your initial consultation as prepared as possible, we suggest gathering your:
During our discussion about your case, we can check to see if there are other cases similar to yours already pending, especially in the ongoing multidistrict litigation (MDL 2924).
If your case is similar to these – meaning, if you took Zantac and later developed a type of cancer already represented in the MDL – then we can likely help you file a lawsuit and join the mass tort. You may be eligible even if your case has more unusual elements.
We can also help you understand if your case is better suited to class-action status, such as in cases where the damages are unlikely to add up to enough to cover the cost of filing the suit.
Do not hesitate to ask us questions about your rights, options, and the process of seeking financial recovery. We will answer your questions and address your concerns both before you sign up for our representation and after.
We can also help you build a wrongful death case if your loved one passed away after their cancer diagnosis and they used Zantac.
Remember: if you or a loved one still takes Zantac, you may want to discuss the possibility of swapping medications. You do not wish to discontinue treatment altogether, but reducing your risk of severe adverse health complications is essential.
The cost to hire a Zantac attorney may vary. Like other defective drug attorneys, Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyers generally accept strong cases based on contingency. Contingency means they will not charge you a retainer upfront; you will only have to pay them something after your case.
If a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer negotiates a fair settlement or recovers a court award on your behalf, they will then receive their attorney’s fees from your payout. They do not get paid if they do not recover compensation for you.
This contingency is how Zanes Law handles all personal injury cases, including dangerous and defective drugs. We front all costs of your case so you never have to worry about how to pay for legal representation. Then we pursue the compensation you deserve. You can feel confident because we get paid if you win.
Once your case ends, we will receive the settlement check or payment to cover the court award. It will come straight to our office, and we will deposit it. We will take out our pre-agreed percentage, and the case costs you expect.
Then, we will cut a check for the remainder of your payout. This process means you never have to worry about paying us, writing a check, or getting it in the mail on time. We take care of every step of the process.
In general, you can expect to pay any personal injury attorney about one-third of your financial recovery following a successful case. The exact percentage can vary depending on the case type and the facts, but you can expect it to be in your contract when you sign up.
It is essential to our team that you feel comfortable with our agreement. We are very open and honest about our price structure and how we handle payment. We can answer your questions about pricing and expenses before you sign up for our services or at any time afterward.
You should not be surprised by your check when you receive it. We will ensure you know what to expect and have an itemized list of what you are paying for.
We believe it is important to always establish the percentage of the recovery we receive beforehand so our clients know how much they are paying. We consider this a factor when looking at settlement offers.
Zanes Law regularly takes on dangerous and defective drug cases, defective product cases, and other mass tort cases nationwide, so you may consider us the right law firm to handle your Zantac cancer lawsuit.
We provide free initial consultations over the phone and can sign you up for our services on the same phone if you are ready to get started immediately.
Our team knows how this type of case works and can help you make important decisions about when and where to file and if you want to participate in the MDL or class action. As your attorney, we will guide you through the process and explain what you can expect every step of the way.
We are always available for status updates or answer questions or address concerns. We make pursuing a payout easy.
We know you already have enough on your plate, especially if you are still fighting cancer. It is a stressful time for you and your family members, and the last thing you want to do is get into a protracted legal fight. However, you deserve compensation, and the drug companies must be held liable.
We also know you are likely angry that your cancer may have been preventable if you had adequate warnings about the potential dangers of ranitidine and other H2 blockers that contain NDMA. This anger is understandable, and we want to help you get a just settlement or award.
To this end, our attorneys will handle your case on your behalf. We can handle all aspects of your case, from filing the paperwork to communicating with others involved. This service will allow you to focus on what matters: spending time with your loved ones, undergoing treatment, and healing.
At Zanes Law, our legal teams know the types of evidence necessary in a defective drug case. We know where to find it and how to prove your injuries, damages, and related expenses. We can go to work building a solid case on your behalf as soon as you sign up with us.
Building your case will include documenting the losses you experienced due to your cancer and treatment. During this process, we can calculate a fair settlement range for your case and ensure we understand what justice would look like based on your damages.
Having strong evidence to support your claim may allow us to enter into settlement negotiations with the drug company or present a strong argument in court and recover a just award.
If you believe your cancer may be related to taking Zantac or a generic equivalent, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit or join the ongoing MDL. Taking legal action may allow you to recover compensation for your sustained damages, keeping your family on firm financial footing.
Our team at Zanes Law offers free case reviews. Call us today to get help from a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer. We can even sign you up over the phone on the same call as your consultation.