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Zanes Law - a Transportation Injury Law Group
This week, we are addressing another personal injury-related topic thanks to one of our listeners who posed a specific question. We are discussing accidents and liability issues that revolve around Light Rail Transportation System and Streetcars.
If your property got damaged by a Streetcar or Light Rail or you have been injured by one of these? Zanes Law is a Transportation Injury Law Group that is here to help you. Don’t miss this episode!
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Why it is important to understand if the Streetcars are operated by a public transportation authority or a private entity.
- How that affects the statute of limitations.
- The claims bicyclists can put fourth against a public transportation authority.
- Different types of Light Rail and Streetcar cases.
Featured On The Show:
- Email Doug Zanes:
- Zanes Law Tucson: 520-777-7777
- Zanes Phoenix: 602-999-9999
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The Zanes Law Legal Team is here to stand up for you and ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has been injured in Arizona reach out to us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation
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