When you get into a smaller accident with another vehicle and your vehicle is still safe to drive, usually you can collect all of necessary of the information from the person a fault and be on your way. But, have you ever wondered how tow yards come into play when you’ve been involved in an accident and you can’t drive your car home? Well, you’re in luck... Today, we cover this topic in depth.
On this episode of Zanes Law Personal Injury Legal Tips, you’ll discover what happens when you’ve been in an accident and your vehicle is un-drivable and it gets towed to a tow yard. From the best practices for getting your car up and running quickly to who is responsible for the tow yard storage costs, you’ll learn everything you need to know about dealing with tow yards. Don’t miss this important episode!
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- What to do when an accident with no injuries occurs.
- What happens when your vehicle is un-drivable.
- The challenges of having your vehicles towed to a tow yard.
- Your duty of mitigating damages.
- What happens to your vehicle after it’s been in a tow yard for a long time.
- What you should do on your end if you have full coverage.
- How you can leverage you insurance company.
Featured On The Show:
- Email Doug Zanes: dzanes@zaneslaw.com
- ZanesLaw.com
- Zanes Law Personal Injury Lawyers Tucson: 520-777-7777
- Zanes Law Personal Injury Lawyers Phoenix: 602-999-9999
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