Seven Swimming Pool Safety Tips
May 11, 2017

Seven Swimming Pool Safety Tips From an Arizona Personal Injury Lawyer
Every year thousands of people are injured in accidents that are completely preventable. So with summer right around the corner, it is extremely important to talk about swimming pool safety. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, from 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day.
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To combat these needless deaths, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that pool owners adopt water safety steps to prevent children from getting to the water when there is no adult supervision. To start, please ask yourself the following questions, because, your answers to these questions will help you to determine what steps you need to take to prevent drowning injuries.
- Does your pool or spa have a fence around it?
- Are you pool gates self-closing and self-latching?
- Have you installed door, gate, or pool alarms?
- Have you installed anti-entrapment drain covers to protect swimmers?
- Are all pool and spa covers in working order?
- Has your family received CPR training?
- Does everyone in you family know how to swim?
If you own a pool, your answer to all of the above questions should be “yes.” You must understand that a child can drown in the time it takes to answer a telephone. Below I have listed the seven swimming pool safety tips that you must adopt.
- Do not allow anyone to swim alone. Swim with a buddy because even adults can have a medical emergency requiring help;
- Your children must be taught basic water safety tips;
- In order to avoid entrapments, keep children away from pool drains;
- When people are using a pool or spa keep a telephone and other pool safety equipment close by;
- Look for any missing children in the pool or spa FIRST;
- An adult should maintain constant supervision of children swimming in the pool. Don’t trust the life of a child to another child;
- Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast approved life jackets when in the pool.
The author of this article, Doug Zanes, an Arizona accident and injury lawyer:
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Casey Hamm
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