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The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, though still in the process of being signed into law, will soon allow Marines affected by the base camp’s contaminated water to pursue compensation for their injuries.
Since this movement to provide toxic water victims with financial benefits is still in its infancy, those eligible to file a lawsuit might not know how to take legal action.
At the Zanes Law, we believe in arming Marines and their loved ones with the information they need to make smart legal decisions. That’s why we’ve decided to educate injured troops on who can file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit and how.
If you were at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987, and became ill because of the water there, you’re qualified to join the Camp Lejeune contaminated water lawsuit under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.
This applies to veterans, staff at the camp, and relatives of veterans who also lived at Camp Lejeune during that period. If you fall into one or more of these categories, now is the time to join the Camp Lejeune contaminated water lawsuit. Military personnel who were dishonorably discharged and their family members do not qualify, even if they are victims.
This way, you can get compensation for illnesses caused by the bad water. Zanes Law is currently taking on cases and can help you file your claim so that you can recover the damages that you deserve. Our Camp Lejeune water contamination attorneys are experienced and can guide you through the process.
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According to scientific studies and medical consensus, the contaminated water that was circulating at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 has caused Marines to develop many types of cancers and a host of other serious conditions.
You may qualify for compensation under the CLJA if you worked or resided at the base camp during the years when toxins were present in the water and have been diagnosed with one of the following diseases:
These are just a few of the water contamination health risks associated with Camp Lejeune. Contact an attorney today if you’re suffering from one of the diseases mentioned above or a different condition. They’ll be able to determine if you’re eligible to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit.
According to the CLJA, injured Marines must comply with 28 U.S. Code § 2675 and file a claim with the Department of Defense (DOD) before submitting a lawsuit for their Camp Lejeune-related illness. If their DOD claim is denied, they’ll be legally eligible to file a lawsuit against the federal government.
Since no Camp Lejeune lawsuits have been filed as of yet, legal experts are unsure whether this rule is a formality or if some service people may receive a settlement from the department of defense. Regardless, the law states that Marines must go through the DOD claim-filing process before they can file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit.
To file a DOD injury claim, contact an attorney. A skilled lawyer will be able to gather necessary documents, construct your claim, and file it with the appropriate DOD office. If your claim is denied, your lawyer will prepare to file a lawsuit on your behalf.
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To file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit, you’ll need documents that prove you were affected by the camp’s toxic water. To show that you were present at the camp during the years toxic chemicals polluted it, you will need a copy of your military personnel records. Information on how to obtain these records can be found on the Department of Veterans Affairs website.
In addition to your personnel records, you’ll also need copies of your medical records that show you were diagnosed with a disease or condition known to have been caused by Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water. Once you receive your medical and personnel documents, your attorney can use them to file your lawsuit.
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Getting started on your Camp Lejeune case ASAP will ensure that your lawsuit is successful. That’s because the CLJA includes a statute of limitations that eligible Marines must comply with to receive the compensation they’re owed.
According to the new legislation, plaintiffs must file their lawsuit within two years of the date that the CLJA is signed into law by the president. If you haven’t been diagnosed with a qualifying condition yet, you’ll have to submit your lawsuit two years from the date you receive a diagnosis.
Failure to follow your lawsuit’s legal deadline will likely bar you from pursuing compensation for your Camp Lejeune injury, but there may be exceptions for some cases. Contact a lawyer today to see how long you have to take legal action and to find out if you qualify for a deadline extension. An attorney will make sure your lawsuit is submitted on time.
The money you’ll get from a Camp Lejeune lawsuit will help you cover medical bills, afford the cost of living if you’re unable to work, and offer you the support you need to cope with and manage your injury. With all the amazing benefits a Camp Lejeune lawsuit can yield, you’ll want to ensure you have a highly skilled lawyer to help you navigate the legal process.
An experienced attorney will make sure all your medical records and service documents are organized in a way that proves you were undoubtedly harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. They’ll also construct a lawsuit that shows why you deserve to receive compensation for the pain, financial loss, and emotional suffering you’ve endured.
We also recommend finding a lawyer that offers their services on a contingency fee basis. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a contingency fee, it’s a portion of your settlement that your lawyer will take in exchange for their services. If your Camp Lejeune lawsuit is unsuccessful, you won’t have to pay your lawyer out of pocket.
Now that you know who can file a camp Lejeune lawsuit and how, it’s time to get in touch with an attorney and take the first step toward your settlement. At Zanes Law, our Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyers are actively taking on cases and would be happy to help you pursue the compensation you’re owed.
Contact us today to see if you’re eligible to file a lawsuit for your Camp Lejeune-related illness. If our team finds that you’re entitled to compensation, and we decide to take on your case, we’ll get started on preparing your lawsuit. Once the CLJA is officially signed into law, we’ll act quickly to get your Camp Lejeune lawsuit filed on time.
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