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If your auto insurance claim was refused by Nationwide, you do have options. It is very typical for insurance companies to try to get out of paying legitimate claims. It’s unfair to the accident victim, but you may need to take action to get the money that is rightfully owed.
You may need the assistance of a skilled car accident attorney if you want to protect your rights and interests during this difficult time. If you have a good lawyer on your side, you should be able to collect from the at-fault party and receive fair compensation from the insurance company for your losses.
Learn more about what to do if Nationwide denies your claim and how you can take certain steps to protect your interests.
Unfortunately, the insurance company may deny your claim even if their version of the incident appears to be inaccurate. This could be because the adjuster believes your claim lacks merit, or they simply hope you don’t pursue legal action.
Additionally, it’s possible that eyewitness testimony or an absence of an official police report is playing a role in the decision. There are plenty of reasons an insurance adjuster might deny a claim:
If events such as natural disasters are excluded in their policy, and they argue that this was the cause for the accident instead of their negligence, then this could lead to a rejected claim.
Another likely reason is when coverage lapses due to failure to pay premiums. In such cases, you must turn to uninsured motorist coverage to seek compensation.
As soon as possible following an accident, you should get in touch with your insurance provider. There is typically a short window of time in which to bring a claim for personal injury with most companies. Your claim must typically be filed within a “reasonable” period of time following the accident.
If you believe the time frame is a factor in your claim denial, a personal injury lawyer can review the contract and the details of your claim to identify if there are any workarounds.
When there is disagreement over who is at fault, insurance companies frequently refuse to pay up. The only way to get an insurance company to pay is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that their insured was at fault for your injury.
The insurance company will reject your claim if they have any reason to believe that their policyholder is not responsible. The policyholder’s claim could be rejected if there is evidence suggesting that they were partially responsible for the incident.
Anyone who causes or contributes to an accident in Arizona can be held liable for damages. The insurance company will investigate to determine fault. Insurers are more inclined to deny claims when there is evidence showing more than one party is to blame. This is where a personal injury lawyer can be an asset.
If Nationwide insurance company determines that you have overstated the severity of your injuries, it may choose to reject your claim. The insurance company may not buy that you broke your back in an automobile accident that only appears to have caused minor damage.
To back up your case for compensation, you’ll need to present evidence, such as medical records and assessments. In order to prove that your injuries were caused by the accident, you must give concrete and specific evidence.
A car accident attorney can gather evidence such as:
These types of evidence can solidify your case and make it harder for Nationwide to reject your claim.
The purpose of insurance is to ensure that those who suffer losses as a result of an accident can get the help they need. However, insurance is only useful if both policyholders and insurance providers fulfill their responsibilities.
A corporation has a duty to fairly assess a claim made by a policyholder who has paid their premiums on time and who has purchased insurance. Some insurance companies, unfortunately, do not follow the rules and willfully refuse to pay legitimate claims.
All insurance companies have different tactics they may use to get out of paying a claim. For example, they may take a recorded statement and twist your words to use them against you. It’s easier to protect yourself from exploitation by the insurance company if you have legal representation.
For a free legal consultation, call (866) 499-8989
If your insurance claim from Nationwide has been denied, it is important to know what steps to take in order to fight the denial. The most important step is to hire an attorney – insurers make a substantial profit by taking in more money than they pay out, so having legal representation behind you can bring more gravity to the situation.
After hiring an attorney, they may draft a demand letter detailing your side of the story as well as outlining the costs for vehicle damages and/or bodily injury sustained in the accident.
This letter often forces either a response or a reversal of their decision as they are required by law to provide justification for their rejection of the claim if necessary. It will also put them in touch with your attorney, who knows exactly what rights you have under the circumstances.
The vast majority of car accident claims never make it to litigation, but you can still benefit from the help of a lawyer. An experienced personal injury attorney can walk you through the claims process, handle contact with the Nationwide insurance claim adjusters, and fight for your full and fair compensation.
Contact Zanes Law today to learn more about bad faith tactics and what you can do in your specific case if your claim for compensation has been denied. Schedule a free consultation today.
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