Infographic: Law Salaries on the Rise
December 4, 2013

In Arizona Law salaries have seen an eleven percent median increase since 2009. This graphic illustrates survey data carried out in Arizona and showcases increases while illuminating dollar amounts attributed to the percentages. This means the average salary for Arizona lawyers is around one hundred thousand dollars a year.
The survey asked lawyers who took it in 2009 to re-take the survey showing that most returning lawyers had a median salary of one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars, and that most lawyers specialize in civil litigation.
There was also an increase of law school graduates at around fifty one percent. This means that there are fewer law jobs and that law schools will subsequently lower their acceptance rates.
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This increase in salary can be attributed to a few factors. On that same survey taken in 2010, thirteen percent of contributing lawyers said that nineteen percent of their fees went unpaid. In 2013 that figure was reduced to thirteen percent. On top of that, lawyers have increased their hourly rates.
With more fees being paid and an increase in cost, this salary increase is mostly explained. In a competitive job market, with legal litigation on the rise, it isn’t hard to see that the increase stems from these major factors.
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