Infographic: Car Crash Fatalities Statistics
November 25, 2013

The following information is a breakdown of Arizona driver fatality rates 2012. The graphic itself breaks down the information by quarter, year, and then a percentage change from the previous quarter. The information conveys the collected data of car crash fatalities statistically to help better understand the data.
2010 Fatalities:
This section of the graphic showcases car crash fatalities in the year 2010. At the top there is a total number gathered over the course of the year as the section breaks down that information on a quarterly basis. By using a bar graph in the description, the breakdown of this information allows us to see the quantity of fatalities in each quarter with a subsequent graphic depicting a rise and fall in data from the previous quarter. To further facilitate understanding, the arrows are colored green to represent an increase, or red to represent a decrease in quantity.
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2011 Fatalities:
In keeping with the model used in previous years, the 2011 breakdown maintains a comprehensive representation of fatalities and fatality rates in 2011. Using the bar graph allows the information to showcase car crashes and the rates in which fatalities have occurred, while using the second graphic to show an increase or decrease from the previous quarter.
2012 Fatalities:
The 2012 model uses the same set-up as the previous years. Since there is more information gathered. It is easier to convey the patterns that occur in fatal car crashes. With more information gathered since 2010, the first quarter of this years information can better convey the increase in car crash fatalities since the last quarter of 2011.
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2013 Fatalities:
The 2013 section showcases only the first quarter of the year, while subsequently showcasing a decrease in fatalities from the previous year. This allows the information, although incomplete for the year, to maintain cohesiveness to the overall increase and decrease of car crash fatalities.
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