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You can sue talcum powder companies to receive compensation for any and all losses you have suffered or will experience in the future due to your talc-caused ovarian cancer or mesothelioma. The compensation you can recover in a talcum powder lawsuit depends on your specific circumstances.
For instance, in 2019, the Guardian reported that a California jury verdict resulted in an award of $29 million dollars to one woman for her Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder-related cancer.
Currently, there are tens of thousands of lawsuits filed by women with cancer who claim that the talc-based baby powder causes a variety of reproductive cancers, including ovarian cancer. This barrage of talcum-powder cancer lawsuits has resulted in Multidistrict litigation.
If you were a frequent user of talc products and have been diagnosed with certain forms of cancer, you can seek compensation for talcum -powder caused illnesses.
The intent of a product liability lawsuit (which is what you would file against a manufacturer for the damages related to your ovarian cancer or mesothelioma) is to restore your life to how it was prior to your talc-induced illness. Although it is understood that several aspects of your life might never return to “normal,” the compensation you receive from your lawsuit is meant to equal what you have lost.
The losses that result from your ovarian cancer or mesothelioma will translate to something called “compensatory damages.” You will likely claim many types of these losses in your lawsuit.
These actual damages consist of both economic losses and noneconomic losses.
Also known as “special damages,” economic damages incorporate all the money or property you lost due to your ovarian cancer or mesothelioma, as well as any monetary sums you would have gained in the future but for your illness. Examples of special damages your personal injury lawyer can help you pursue include the following:
Also called “general damages,” this compensation covers the losses you experience that are less quantifiable than your economic damages.
After your talcum powder lawyer has documented all your economic and noneconomic losses, they will assign dollar values to each loss, then add them to arrive at the total amount of actual damages you will seek in your lawsuit.
No two product liability cases are exactly alike. The compensatory damages you are eligible to receive will be determined by your specific set of circumstances. Furthermore, as each state sets its own product liability laws, your damages will also depend upon the forum you select for your legal action.
In cases of talcum powder -cancer lawsuits, the statutes of limitations will determine whether or not legal action can be taken. Each state sets its own restrictions on the time limit a person has to file a lawsuit, but it is usually between two and three years.
It can be difficult to determine when your clock starts ticking since talcum powder products may have been used many years prior to any symptoms or diagnosis being made. Additionally, talcum powder lawsuits are different than other personal injury cases due to the fact that it is harder to pinpoint exactly what caused an illness from something that was used so long ago.
It is important for those who suspect their cancer diagnosis may have been caused by prolonged or regular use of Johnson & Johnson baby powder or other talc-based products to take action as soon as possible before their ability to receive compensation and closure has expired.
Health risks associated with talc-based powders like feminine hygiene products, body powders, cosmetic products, and talc-based baby powder have resulted in numerous lawsuits. The lawsuits allege that the presence of asbestos in talcum products or a lack of warning labels on the products have caused certain types of cancer.
The personal injury attorneys of Zanes Law may be able to help you pursue compensation for your talcum powder-caused ovarian cancer or mesothelioma.
You may be able to file a talcum powder lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson by joining the multidistrict litigation (MDL) that is already underway if your doctor has diagnosed you with mesothelioma or ovarian cancer and you are a current or previous user of a talcum powder product.
Litigation involving Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder products is referred to as Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) No. 2738, “Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder Products Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation.” Contact us today for a free case review.
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