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If you know if you got cancer from Roundup weed killer, you will still need to prove it in a court of law. Proving a link between your cancer and your use of Roundup weed killer may seem difficult, but this is one advantage of participating in multidistrict litigation against Roundup, herbicide manufacturer Monsanto, and new parent company Bayer AG.
As a part of building the case for MDL 2741, representatives for the plaintiffs called in experts to submit reports and testify in the first bellwether case. These experts provided important evidence against Monsanto, showing that not only does their popular weed killer cause a significant increase in risk for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but that the company has known this for decades.
Since at least 1986, researchers have known there may be a significant link between Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides and cancers including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The experts who provided testimony on behalf of the plaintiffs in the Roundup MDL provided key evidence that helped the jury in the first bellwether trial understand:
Despite the wealth of evidence these experts provided for the first bellwether case and the reaction of the jurors in that case to this evidence, Monsanto continues to refuse all responsibility for Roundup-related cancers and other injuries.
The earliest evidence Monsanto knew about a possible link between glyphosate and cancer is a 1983 study conducted by the Bio/dynamics laboratory. This study on mice showed that those fed glyphosates grew polyps much more often than those who did not have this exposure. The data from this study was significant enough that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified the chemical as a “possible human oncogene” two years later.
The EPA urged Monsanto to provide information about using personal protective equipment when using Roundup. The company never added the language and refused to perform or pay for any additional research into the safety of their product except with trusted pro-glyphosate scientists at the helm.
A key figure in both the first MDL bellwether and the cases to go to trial in state court is pathologist Dr. Dennis Weisenburger who began studying the link between herbicides and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma decades ago. As of September 2019, he has provided testimony in Roundup weed killer cases, confirming the plaintiff’s cancer occurred because of exposure to glyphosate.
His research shows that not only can years of intense use of Roundup caused cancer, but relatively limited use on personal property can, as well. He believes it is not the prolonged use but the intense exposure that matters. Those who use the chemicals a few days a year but have significant exposure to them are also at risk of developing cancer.
If you used Roundup or another glyphosate-based weed killer before your non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosis, expert testimony and scientific research provided during the pending MDL may be enough to convincingly link your cancer and this popular type of weed killer. If you know if you got cancer from Roundup weed killer and want to pursue justice, call us.
To learn more about taking legal action against manufacturer Monsanto and its parent company Bayer AG, call Zanes Law today at (833) 214-0917. We will review your case for free.
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