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Glyphosate, the key ingredient in Roundup—and in other herbicides—has been identified as the cancer-causing element in the popular weed killer. Although the product’s manufacturer, Monsanto (now owned by corporate giant Bayer AG), has vehemently denied any health risks associated with its flagship product, troves of research argue otherwise.
When researchers noted a spike in the incidents of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) over the previous 30 years, a scientific review was conducted over the possible link between ingredients in various herbicides and pesticides—more than 80 in total. Results were published in 2014 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, revealing a positive association between glyphosate and B cell lymphoma.
The following year, in 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) publicized its views on glyphosate, conclusions reached after the group’s deep-dive studies of the chemical.
For starters, IARC revealed that glyphosate is genotoxic, meaning it can cause the mutation of human DNA cells, a condition that often leads to cancer.
Other findings further supported the glyphosate-cancer connection, according to the IARC. The group revealed compelling evidence that the chemical can induce “oxidative stress,” an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals in the human body. Although free radicals fight off infection-causing pathogens, when there are too many free radicals, they start to harm the body’s DNA, proteins, and fatty tissue.
Normally, antioxidants would keep the number of free radicals in check, but an imbalance makes it harder for the antioxidants to keep this balance, resulting in widespread damage that can lead to cancer.
Another component of IARC’s study delved into the damage that glyphosate can wreck on the human gut, where the chemical can destroy beneficial bacteria. The ripple effect caused by this destruction includes an increased risk of cancer.
In March 2015, the IARC’s glyphosate researchers concluded from their meta-analysis that the substance driving the world’s most popular weed killer and many other herbicides and pesticides, is a “probable carcinogen.”
Following the IARC’s public stance on glyphosate, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment decided it would add glyphosate to its list of carcinogens, as required under state law. Such a listing also put into effect another California requirement, which necessitates that cancer warnings be placed on any products that contain glyphosate. Essentially, they were saying that Roundup weed killer causes cancer.
In February 2019, another compelling piece of research from the University of Washington (UW) surfaced, further solidifying the connection between glyphosate and cancer. Researchers in this study determined that an increased risk (41 percent) for NHL in agricultural workers who have been exposed to heavy amounts of glyphosate, as compared with individuals who have suffered either infrequent or no exposure to the herbicide.
Although NHL is the disease most commonly associated with Roundup and glyphosate, other illnesses have also been linked with the weed killer, including leukemia, kidney disease, multiple myelomas, birth defects, reproductive difficulties, and large B-cell lymphoma.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or another cancer after you have endured exposure to Roundup weed killer, the product injury lawyers can represent you in a lawsuit to recover your damages. A lawyer who knows that Roundup weed killer causes cancer will do everything from A to Z to see that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Call Zanes Law today at (833) 214-0917 for a free consultation.
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