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In the face of at-risk birth control access, intrauterine devices (IUDs) can seem like a person’s best chance of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all IUDs are created equal. The plastic-copper IUDs created by Teva Pharmaceuticals now face legal scrutiny in the wake of reports detailing their negative effects on users’ health.
If you’ve had a Paragard IUD inserted anytime between now and 2017, you may be entitled to compensation based on related losses. You can collaborate with a Paragard lawsuit lawyer at Zanes Law to join the class action and hold Teva Pharmaceuticals and purchaser Cooper Companies accountable for their alleged production negligence.
IUDs are T-shaped contraceptive devices designed to limit a person’s opportunities to become pregnant. These devices must be inserted into a user’s body by a doctor and can remain in place for up to 12 years at a time.
Paragard IUDs are specifically made out of plastic and wrapped in copper. Teva Pharmaceuticals, and now Cooper Companies, states that the IUD is meant to prevent sperms’ travel through a person’s body. This process differs significantly from that used by several other IUDs on the market, which use hormone manipulation to limit a person’s likelihood of pregnancy.
People using Paragard IUDs do not have to wait the full 10-12 years before removing their devices. Instead, any party that wishes to have a Paragard IUD removed can schedule an appointment with their doctor. This way, parties suffering side effects from Paragard IUD usage can have their health concerns addressed ASAP.
Complaints regarding Paragard’s effect on a person’s uterus and overall health began appearing en-mass within the past decade. The impact of the IUD on its users’ health seems to vary from person to person, with consistent concerns including:
These conditions mirror those endured by parties who’d previously used a Dalkon Shield IUD released in 1968. Studies blame the “primitive” nature of these IUDs for the long-term effects they can have on users’ health.
The damage that a Paragard IUD can allegedly do to its users doesn’t always immediately reveal itself. Instead, users often suffer other, milder symptoms before bringing their concerns to a doctor. These symptoms can include:
Medical professionals should warn you of the risks of using a Paragard IUD before recommending them for usage. Even so, this warning does not absolve Paragard’s parent companies of the duty of care owed to you upon the release of their product.
When you seek out an IUD, both the medical professionals you consult and the corporation that makes your IUD owe you a duty of care. This duty states that all parties with hands on your IUD must take pains to protect you from reasonable harm. Parties that fail to do so can be held liable for any injuries or other losses caused by their product.
If you come away from an experience with a Paragard IUD with lifelong injuries, infertility, or other losses, you can take legal action. More specifically, you can file a civil complaint against either your medical providers or Cooper Companies. Upon connecting with an attorney, you can request a settlement based on the expenses tied to your treatment.
Our team understands that addressing a party’s negligence while dealing with the aftermath of a faulty Paragard IUD can be stressful. That’s why Zanes Law steps in on your behalf. When you work with our team, we can:
Paragard IUD cases can be classified as defective medical device cases or medical malpractice cases. Our team can let you know the importance of those classifications and how they may impact your ability to move your case forward – not to mention any applicable filing deadlines.
Class action lawsuits allow you and other injured parties to collectively bring your civil cases forward before a judge. Together you can elect a primary representative to discuss the nature of your Paragard IUD losses. You can then pool the evidence you have regarding Cooper Companies’ neglect to more effectively argue for your right to financial support.
When you participate in a copper IUD class action lawsuit, you give yourself more chances to emphasize a corporation’s overall neglect. What’s more, the compensation you may be awarded for your losses can be more substantial than it would be on its own.
That said, the primary representative in most class action lawsuits tends to receive more compensation than the rest of the prosecutors. This doesn’t mean that it’s not worth pursuing a ParaGrad IUD class action lawsuit. Rather, you should discuss the value of your case and today’s class action lawsuits with an attorney before you file.
As of mid-2022, 60 injured parties have taken up lawsuits against Cooper Companies in the face of Paragard IUD fractures. Other parties are in the process of filing complaints to contend with the aftermath of Paragard usage, including permanent infertility and organ damage.
These charges claim that Paragard’s design defects represent Cooper Companies’ violated duty of care. Representatives throughout the United States are in the process of compiling the active Paragard IUD lawsuits into a multidistrict litigation (MDL). The cases involved, as of July 2022, total 1,246.
Cooper Companies and other affiliated parties have yet to award compensation to those individuals allegedly injured after Paragard usage.
Zanes Law answers some frequently asked questions about the Paragard IUD and lawsuits against its manufacturer.
Do I Qualify for a Paragard IUD Lawsuit?
Who Can I Hold Liable for My Paragard IUD Injuries?
Has Paragard IUD Recalled a Faulty Product?
What Compensation Can I Request With a Paragard IUD Lawsuit?
How Much Is a Paragard IUD Lawsuit Worth?
Should I Add My Case to the Class Action Being Taken Against Paragard?
Before you can bring Paragard IUD losses to the attention of a civil court, you need to assess your case eligibility. You can work with Zanes Law attorneys to determine:
We can also determine on what date you discovered your condition and retroactively integrate you into the ongoing Paragard IU class action upon request.
You have a limited amount of time to take action once it’s determined that you may qualify for a case. With that in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you suspect your ongoing health concerns may be related to your Paragard IUD usage. You can consult with our team and local professionals to determine your best course of action moving forward.
Determining who to hold accountable for your Paragard injuries can be challenging. In some cases, the medical professional who inserted your IUD can be liable for your injuries and/or related losses. Because the product has such a fraught history, however, the manufacturer may also be to blame for your condition.
To hold either of these parties accountable for your losses, you should prepare to bring forward evidence indicating their negligence in relation to your medical care. If you’re addressing a medical professional, you can note that the party in question didn’t inform you of Paragard IUSs’ risks. Alternatively, you can indicate that your IUD was improperly inserted.
To hold the manufacturer accountable, however, you can look to the production of your particular IUD. If it appears that the device was poorly designed and/or improperly marketed, Cooper Companies may have to meet your demands in court.
At the time of writing, Paragard IUDs have not been recalled from the public market. While there have been calls to remove the product from the marketplace, neither the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nor Cooper Companies have released information regarding the IUD’s alleged side effects.
The Cooper Companies’ website does not make mention of the lawsuits addressing the IUD’s dangers, either. This lack of action on the part of the manufacturer can serve as evidence of negligence should you wish to take your case to civil court.
You can bring forward the company’s lack of content to indicate a violated duty of care responsible for the harm you suffered. A Paragard IUD law firm can work with you to compile information to back your claim and demand compensation on your behalf.
Requesting compensation in the wake of a Paragard IUD injury allows you to more effectively contend with the bills related to your post-insertion care. When you’re compiling your initial complaint, you can request that the party liable for your losses cover:
Several costs, including IUD materials and medical procedures, will come with trackable invoices that we can include as evidence in your complaint. If you’d like to pursue damages for conditions like pain and suffering, our Paragard lawsuit attorneys can apply multipliers to the economic sum of your losses.
We can also refer to pre-established Paragard IUD lawsuits to determine if there are other avenues to compensation available to you.
It can be difficult to estimate the settlement amount of the average Paragard IUD lawsuit. While the symptoms of Paragard IUD use are consistent over a broad spectrum, use of a Paragard IUD can impact different users in unique ways. When you bring our case to our team, we’ll need to assess your injuries. We can then value your case based on the available evidence.
The Paragard class action lawsuits underway today embody the losses of hundreds of individuals suffering the consequences of Cooper Companies’ alleged negligence. Should you choose to align your Paragard lawsuit with this class action, you can benefit from the data that other parties have already brought forward regarding the company’s negligence.
Class action lawsuits see a primary prosecutor bring their concerns before a civil judge. You and your fellow advocates can work together to decry the negligence of a party like Cooper Companies. Should you win your case, you can all benefit from the compensation bestowed upon your party – which, in turn, should address the extent of your losses.
You can consult with a Zanes Law Paragard IUD lawsuit lawyer to determine whether or not joining the active class action is right for your case.
If you’re struggling to find a path forward after a harrowing experience with a Paragard IUD, know that you’re not alone. Hundreds of other survivors have had to deal with health and legal consequences similar to your own. Zanes Law is one of many law firms helping Paragard IUD victims take legal action – and we’re ready to take on your case.
You can schedule a case consultation with a Paragard lawsuit attorney today. Get on the books with Zanes Law by calling our office or contacting us through our website.
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