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A mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer lawsuit are civil actions one files for the harm they suffered due to asbestos exposure.
Day in and day out, for decades, countless hardworking Americans were exposed to asbestos, while businesses who knew better disregarded the extreme health risks these people faced in the course of trying to earn an honest living.
Then, the cases of asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer began to emerge. People who worked in asbestos mills and manufacturing plants that either used asbestos in their production process or used machines and tools that were partially composed of the “miracle mineral,” came forward with questions, then lawsuits, about the role asbestos played in their illnesses.
The first successful filing of an asbestos exposure-related lawsuit happened in 1971 when courts decided in favor of industrial insulation worker Clarence Borel, who alleged that insulation manufacturers failed to warn of the dangers associated with handling asbestos (Borel v. Fibreboard Paper Prod. Corp., 493 F.2d 1076).
Defendants appealed the decision, but the plaintiff’s case held its own in the appeal, and the judgment in favor of the plaintiff stood.
The legal filings slowly picked up steam. Courtrooms heard the horror stories of workers coming home from their jobs, literally contaminating their houses and families with the asbestos dust they shook off their clothes, shoes, and faces. There was no escaping the truth of gross negligence and wanton disregard for human life—all in the name of profits.
Sadly, because it can take as long as 40 years for mesothelioma to be diagnosed, the time limit for workers’ compensation often has already expired. With strict limitations keeping them from suing their employers, many victims of workplace asbestos have assumed they stood without any legal recourse.
The lawsuits that have been thriving, however, are the third-party claims that target the very root of asbestos in the work environment. Defendants in these lawsuits have consisted of manufacturers, resellers, distributors, and corporations who are fundamentally responsible for the existence of asbestos in any given workplace.
Asbestos lawsuits have seen defendants representing every link in the substance’s supply chain, including:
As a victim of the massive corporate and political machine that knowingly and repeatedly exposed you to a substance as dangerous as asbestos, you deserve compensation. You are on the right side of the argument, for certain.
But asbestos lawsuits are complicated and complex. Do yourself a favor and take your case to a lawyer who understands mass tort claims and is passionate about bringing you justice. This is Zanes Law.
Zanes Law will do everything from A to Z to see that you receive compensation for your illness, your economic losses, your pain, and suffering, and the price your family has paid for the injustice done to you. Call us today for a free case consultation before the statute of limitations in your state runs out at 866-499-8989.
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