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A rear-end collision is a common auto accident type, but they can be just as bad as a head-on collision to your body. Even if you feel unharmed after one, you could have hidden injuries and long-term damage.
How can such a slight accident cause so many problems? Let’s look at what happens to your body in a rear-end collision and why you need to contact a car accident lawyer after one. Quick action after a wreck can help you heal much faster.
When you get hit from behind, the momentum from the rear car gets transferred to you and your car. It can push your body forward into the belt and then slam you backward into your seat. This whipping motion is the source of many soft-tissue injuries. In fact, this is where we get the name whiplash from.
It’s not just your neck and ligaments that get whipped. Your internal organs also experience the same motion. In high-speed rear-end collisions, these organs can get torn or damaged enough that you need to go to the hospital for surgery.
If you could brace for the impact, the damage wouldn’t be so bad. But rear-end collisions often happen without warning. Drivers are most likely focused on what’s happening in front of them instead of what’s behind them.
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Seatbelts and airbags protect drivers every day from the worst possible injuries, but sometimes their protection can leave drivers injured. This does NOT mean that you should drive without wearing a seatbelt or an airbag! Nevertheless, you should know that your body could suffer injuries in a rear-end collision from these safety features.
A rear-end collision without a seatbelt can push you through the windshield and out of your car. Seat belts keep this from happening, but the belt can leave bruises on the body where you were restrained. It can also create whiplash forces.
Airbags also keep you from going through a window or smacking into your steering wheel or door. They do this by creating a small chemical explosion. The force of the expanding bag can damage your face, or even break bones or cause a concussion.
You should see a doctor after any kind of collision, even if you feel just fine after the crash. You might not feel the full effect of an injury until days after your accident, and the adrenaline from the crash can mask pain at the scene.
In the ideal case, see a doctor within 24 hours of your crash for a checkup. Tell them you’ve been in a crash, and they will examine you for common hidden injuries after crashes. Early treatment can save you a lot of pain and recovery time.
Seeing a doctor early also creates a paper trail for your injuries that the insurance company cannot ignore. The longer you wait, the easier it will be for them to claim that your injuries weren’t caused in an accident.
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When you get examined, the doctor will look for soft tissue damage and any broken bones or damaged organs. Common rear-end collision injuries include:
The earlier you can get treatment after your accident, the better. You’ll preserve your health and improve your recovery time. Putting off the examination can worsen minor injuries or even cause permanent damage.
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There are certain symptoms you shouldn’t ignore after a car crash. Go to the emergency room if you have any abdominal pain or bleeding. You could have injured your internal organs and may need emergency care.
Another reason to go to the ER is a loss of consciousness. Even a brief blackout can be a sign of a concussion. An untreated concussion can cause long-lasting damage to your brain, and early treatment is essential to stop the damage before it spreads.
Finally, if you cannot see a doctor or go to an urgent care clinic within 24 hours, an ER may be your only choice to get seen. Remember, you do not know how serious your injuries are until a doctor has given you an examination. Don’t shrug off pain after a rear-end collision!
The driver at the front of a rear-end accident is almost always the victim and can get compensated for their injuries. Some situations where the front driver may be at fault instead include:
Arizona follows the rule of pure comparative negligence, so any amount of fault you share in the accident will reduce your compensation by that amount. Also, even if you’re mostly at fault, you can still make a claim for what compensation you can.
Don’t assume whether you’re at fault in an accident before speaking with a lawyer, and especially don’t tell the other driver or the police that you think you were at fault. That could reduce your final compensation significantly.
First, follow the instructions of your doctor. If an insurer finds out that you didn’t follow your doctor’s recommendations for recovery, they could use that against you when you make your car accident claim. This includes taking recommended medications and taking time off work to recover.
Second, contact a car accident attorney for legal advice and begin setting up your car accident injury claim. If you live in Arizona, contact Zanes Law to begin your accident compensation claim after a doctor has examined you for injuries after your crash.
Our Arizona car accident lawyers will help you get reimbursed for your property damage and will help you get compensated for your injuries, medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and any other damages.
Using your doctor’s information, they can learn what happened to your body and how much compensation you can receive for your motor vehicle accident. Get a free consultation and case evaluation by calling Zanes Law. Our experienced accident attorneys are ready to listen to your story and get you justice after your rear-end collision.
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