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If you were in a car accident, you should always see a doctor. Even if you do not believe you have injuries, they may not always be obvious in the first few minutes and hours following an accident. Some serious injuries, including some head injuries and internal bleeding, can take a day or more before symptoms appear.
If you do not have health insurance, it may be tempting to skip the doctor’s visit. However, it could save your life or at least help doctors treat serious injuries right away. Under Arizona’s fault-based accident system, the at-fault driver’s auto liability insurance policy should cover your treatment and care.
If you were the victim of a Phoenix, Arizona, car accident, you have several options for getting medical care afterward. If you sustained injuries, you may want to:
If your injuries are not serious or you do not believe you sustained any injuries, an urgent care clinic or another similar facility may be able to diagnose or rule-out any injuries, document your visit, and provide treatment for minor injuries when needed.
You could also opt to see your personal doctor if you can get an appointment within 24 hours of your accident. Getting prompt care is key, not only for your health, but in ruling out some of the things an insurance company—the at-fault driver’s insurer—could use to try to reduce the payout you receive.
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While health insurance can make things a little easier when it comes to getting care and ensuring you do not need to pay anything more than a deductible or copay out of pocket, the issues about which type of insurance is responsible for car accident injuries and treatment are complex. Even if you had health insurance, your provider would likely not be the responsible party if you were the victim of an accident.
If you had an accident and you had health insurance, your health insurance policy would likely cover it as it would any other visit to the emergency department. However, this is not where the story ends.
Many health insurance policies also include a subrogation clause. Subrogation is a reimbursement process that occurs when one company covers the cost of something that another should have been liable to pay. In this case, your health insurance company would enter into subrogation with the at-fault driver’s car insurance provider to recoup their expenses.
This subrogation means that even if you did have health insurance, the other driver’s car insurance provider would still likely end up on the hook for your medical care.
After you take steps to ensure your injuries get the care they need, we recommend reaching out to a Phoenix, Arizona, car accident lawyer to discuss your legal case. If there is evidence to support your claim, an attorney may be able to take legal action on your behalf and seek compensation to cover your medical care costs and other damages. Potentially recoverable damages include:
Your attorney can gather evidence and build a strong case to pursue and possibly recover a negotiated settlement or court award on your behalf. It is important that you take the step to connect with an attorney quickly after your accident, though. Under Arizona law, car accident victims only have a limited time to take their case to court.
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If you suffered injuries in a Phoenix car accident, a lawyer from Zanes Law will review your case for you today for free. We may be able to help you prove the other driver caused your accident and injuries, and that they are legally responsible for paying for your medical care and other expenses.
Call (602) 999-9999 now to discuss the facts of your case with a member of our team. Our initial consultations are always free.
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