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How are motorcycle accidents different from car accidents? While these two kinds of collisions share many similarities, they also differ in several significant ways. Motorcycle wrecks tend to result in more serious injuries and financial losses, especially for motorcyclists.
A Phoenix motorcycle accident lawyer from our team at Zanes Law can help you learn more about the contrast between motorcycle and car accidents. We provide comprehensive legal assistance for individuals hurt in wrecks.
You can learn more about these collisions when you call or fill out our online contact form.
Both car and motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries, including damage to internal organs, broken bones, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and amputation of limbs.
However, motorcycle accidents generally result in more severe injuries, especially for motorcycle operators or passengers. These individuals face a higher risk of injury due to their relative lack of protection.
Cars, trucks, and vans provide layers of protection for riders, including seatbelts and airbags. Motorcyclists have only the protection of helmets and riding gear. Some motorcyclists even decline the usage of helmets, putting them at a higher risk of injury.
Motorcyclists have a higher risk of sustaining permanent injuries. They face high risks for full or partial paralysis and the loss of limbs. However, any motor vehicle accident could result in these severe injuries.
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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle accidents are significantly more likely to result in fatalities. In fact, fatal motorcycle wrecks occurred almost 28 times more often than fatal car accidents in 2020.
Motorcycle accidents have a higher chance of leading to a fatality due to the lack of protection offered by these vehicles. Motorcyclists could end up thrown from their vehicles, crushed by larger vehicles, or in other deadly situations.
If you lost a loved one in a motorcycle wreck, a Phoenix wrongful death lawyer may help your family build a legal claim for damages.
Motorcycle accidents can differ from car accidents in regards to the likelihood of alcohol usage. Any driver can get behind the wheel after drinking. However, motorcyclists involved in fatal accidents have a higher chance of a high blood alcohol content (BAC) level.
Alcohol usage can increase the odds of an accident occurring because alcohol slows reflexes and can impair decision-making ability.
Adding impairment by alcohol to the increased skill required to operate a motorcycle safely and the vehicle’s relatively minor safety features can easily result in a fatal accident, setting motorcycle and car accidents apart in this regard.
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Due to the relative severity of the injuries associated with motorcycle accidents, individuals hurt in these collisions often require more medical care for their recovery. Therefore, they may require more compensation to cover their losses.
However, motorcyclists may only secure funds to cover their losses if someone else caused their collision. Some motorists and insurance companies try to blame motorcyclists for wrecks to avoid these damages.
A motorcycle accident lawyer can investigate collisions to determine who caused the accident and track all losses associated with the wreck.
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The causes of motorcycle and car accidents often come down to the same base causes. Drivers operating vehicles while distracted, tired, or under the influence frequently cause all types of motor vehicle collisions.
However, specific causes can vary between motorcycle and car accidents, setting these collisions apart. For example, motorcycle accidents may occur when car drivers:
Motorcyclists may cause collisions if they attempt to split a lane or try to perform stunts – like wheelies – on their bikes. Car drivers cannot operate their vehicles in such a way, so they cannot cause accidents for those reasons.
Generally, the legal system allows individuals harmed in either motorcycle or car accidents to seek total compensation for their losses. Parties involved in either kind of collision may file insurance claims or lawsuits.
While motorcyclists should not face additional challenges to resolve their claims, the situation sometimes arises. For example, jurors may believe that operating a motorcycle is inherently dangerous and allow this to influence their legal decisions.
Additionally, motorcyclists may face additional challenges if they were driving without a helmet at the time of the accident, especially since Arizona requires individuals under 18 to use this kind of safety gear.
How are motorcycle accidents different from car accidents? These collisions often result in more severe injuries or fatalities. They can have different specific causes even if they have the same underlying risk factors.
Our team at Zanes Law can help you learn more about motorcycle collisions, and we can build a claim to handle your legal needs. Call or fill out our online contact form to get started.
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