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Although studies have shown that eyewitness testimony is not the most reliable source of evidence, it can still be very effective in persuading a jury. Additionally, expert witnesses can provide critical insight into what caused a motorcycle accident and how the defendant was at fault.
At Zanes Law Injury Lawyers, we understand how essential it can be to include witness testimony as a part of your case. We will work diligently to track down eyewitnesses and consult with experts to build a strong case on your behalf. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a member of our legal team.
Eyewitnesses can play a critical role in proving your case after a motorcycle accident. Any eyewitness can provide a third-party account of what occurred during the accident. Having a witness to the crash who was not involved in the accident means that you will be able to present the court with an unbiased account of what happened.
While eyewitness testimony can often be unreliable, it can still significantly help your case. When eyewitness testimony lines up with other evidence presented or multiple witnesses give matching accounts of an accident, it can be especially useful in persuading a jury.
Because memories fade with time, it is exceptionally vital that you get started on your motorcycle accident case as soon as possible. The sooner your lawyer can get recorded testimony of the witness’s account, the harder it will be for the opposing party to convince a jury that their testimony is not factual.
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Expert witnesses can also significantly improve the strength of your case. Expert witnesses can be used to prove a variety of different aspects of your case. Juries tend to place a great deal of confidence in the testimony of expert witnesses.
Depending on the details of your case, your lawyer could bring in multiple expert witnesses to testify about different factors that affected your accident. Among the experts your attorney may call in a motorcycle accident case are:
A qualified doctor can give an expert opinion about the severity of the injuries you suffered, the medical treatments you will need to undergo, your likelihood of a full recovery, and whether your injuries will affect your ability to work.
An economist can help attest to the financial cost of your accident. They can be particularly helpful in explaining to juries the long-term expenses you will likely face in the future.
These experts will look at all of the evidence from your case to determine how your accident occurred and who was at fault. They can then create a computer reenactment of the crash, which they can show the jury in court. These reenactments can be particularly effective in persuading a jury.
These experts can be useful in cases where your accident resulted from a defective part in your motorcycle or in the vehicle with which you collided. They can explain how the defect compromised the vehicle and caused the danger.
Using credible witnesses is essential for the strength of your case. For example, a witness who was drunk or on drugs at the time of the accident will not be very helpful for your case. The defense will likely have an easy time minimizing the jury’s confidence in this type of witness.
It is also critical that the expert witnesses you use have a high level of credibility. If you use a doctor who is not well regarded in their field or has given expert testimony in the past that was proven to be in contrast with the facts, they will be unable to provide much help to your case.
You can expect the defense to thoroughly scrutinize any witnesses you plan to call. They will look into their background and dig for any dirt that could call their credibility into question.
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There are many other types of evidence that you can collect to help support witness testimony and increase the strength of your case. Some of the other evidence that can be used in your motorcycle accident case includes:
This list is far from exhaustive. Any other evidence you have that supports your damages claim can help you recover the compensation you need and deserve.
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Contacting an attorney shortly after your motorcycle accident is the best way to ensure you recover the compensation you need and deserve. The earlier your lawyer is able to get in contact with eyewitnesses and record their sworn testimony in a deposition, the stronger your case will be. Additionally, other evidence will be more abundant closer to the date of your crash.
At Zanes Law Injury Lawyers, we can help you get the most out of witness testimony. Contact us today by giving us a call, completing our online contact form, or utilizing our chat tool, and schedule your free consultation with a member of our team.
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