Zanes Law’s School Supply Giveaway 2017!
June 2, 2017

Zanes Law’s School Supply Giveaway 2017! Attention Teachers!
Our favorite time of the year is rapidly approaching! It’s time for Zanes Law’s Annual School Supply Giveaway!
Community service has always been important to Zanes Law. In fact, when the firm was founded 14 years ago, “to be active and committed to our community” was listed as one of our core values and it still is to this day!
The school supply giveaway started because although the firm did a lot of community work in Tucson, we were in search of something we could call our own. Something our entire team would get fired up about! Something that would make a HUGE impact!
We kept seeing news reports about school budgets and teacher’s salaries decreasing. So, our light bulb moment finally came! Why don’t we help teachers by giving them school supplies to get their school year started? We knew that there were a lot of resources for children but we hadn’t seen many resources for teachers.
We did everything in our power to track down teacher emails the first year so we could invite them to our giveaway (sounds creepy, we know!) but we had to get the word out somehow!
That first year in 2010, we served 100 teachers…it was a huge success! We passed out pencils, paper, crayons, and a handful of other supplies.
Each year, we got a little bit more organized, had a little more fun, and invited a few more teachers.
Last year, in 2016, we served 450 teachers and passed out thousands of school supplies and 900 reams of white copy paper!
This year we’re hoping to invite even more teachers. SO EXCITING!
Every year our goal for the giveaway remains the same: serve as many teachers as possible without lowering the quality or quantity of the school supplies provided.
Our DREAM is that one day we can accept every teacher that applies.
So there you have it- the story of how the School Supply Giveaway started!
So you’re probably thinking, “I’m a teacher, how can I partake in this awesome giveaway?”
Here is some basic criteria:
- You must be a current Tucson elementary school teacher (unless you have joined us at a previous giveaway and moved up a grade).
- You must apply and be accepted (all spots are on a first come, first serve basis)
- You must be available to pick up your supplies on Saturday, August 5th at our Speedway location in Tucson!
The easiest way to stay updated is to join our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR TEACHERS! Click here to join!
The application goes live the week of June 12th and spots will be rapidly filled!