What’s The First Thing You Should do When You Get Into The Car?
May 20, 2015

Sit down, lock the doors, buckle up, adjust your mirrors, and put on some good music.
Based on a recent Facebook post of ours, this seems to be the series of events when drivers first get into a car.
Well, be sure to pay close attention to the BUCKLE UP step.
Arizona is cracking down on seatbelt use and you may get a ticket or fined for not having yours on.
As of 5/18 the “Click It or Ticket” campaign is officially in full force.
According to FOX10 Phoenix, “The enforcement campaign is based up on visibility traffic enforcement with a zero tolerance approach towards seat belt and child safety seat usage. Arizona has a secondary seat belt law that allows officers to only issue citations for violations during traffic stops for other violations. However, Arizona’s child restraint law is a primary enforcement measure under which officers can stop vehicles because of suspected violations of that law.”
For more information visit: http://www.fox10phoenix.com/story/29089453/2015/05/18/buckle-up-arizona-seat-belt-crackdown-begins
As AZ personal injury attorneys in Phoenix, Tucson, and all of Arizona, we see many injuries sustained from auto accidents. Often times, drivers or passengers did not have their seatbelts on resulting in worse injuries.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident or if you believe your seatbelt has malfunctioned, give our personal injury attorneys a call. We would be happy to answer your questions.