What’s the Difference Between Opening a Claim and Suing Someone?
May 29, 2015

What’s the Difference Between Opening a Claim and Suing Someone in Personal Injury Law?
We suspected as such…
You thought they were the “same” thing.
In fact, you may have thought “I am not the suing type. That doesn’t feel good or right to … sue someone?”
The reality is…
90% of cases that we see at our personal injury law firm in Phoenix and Tucson never involve “suing” someone.
Instead, it’s about filing a claim with the opposing party’s insurance company.
IMPORTANT: In order to file a claim against the opposing party’s insurance, you must get the name of the insurance carrier, the policy number and the full name of the person who was driving.
We hear someone of you saying “Well duh… exchange information at the time of the crash.”
Although obvious, we know that accidents (or other forms of injury related events) are VERY rattling, so collecting information takes a backseat to your pounding heart and high adrenaline.
However, by getting this information, you are able to open a claim with the opposing driver’s insurance carrier.
So far we aren’t suing a soul…whew!
If opening a claim even seems daunting (never mind ‘to sue or not to sue’), that’s why we are here.
All you would do is simply give us the opposing driver’s information and we will take care of the rest.
No really… We will… We will call all the people you don’t want to call and handle it from there.
In fact, we urge you to open up a claim no matter what….especially if you have been injured in an auto accident.
The reality is the insurance companies are focused on paying you out the least amount of money regardless of your injuries.
So why not get help to get the best results possible in a tough situation involving yout health and your finances?
And while you have us (or the personal injury law firm of your choosing) let us help you decide if it’s time to sue.
If you are in that 10% of suing clients…we can be open and say it is a complicated, long and tedious process but we will be with you every step of the way.
You need to have a stellar personal injury attorney that you trust to walk you through that process and to tell you when to stop at the threshold of a claim!