Tucson Monsoon Safety Tips: Be Prepared!
July 5, 2016

Living in Southern Arizona, we have the privilege of enjoying some of the best weather on the planet, but we also endure one of most unique seasons of the year: the monsoon season. From June 15th to September 30th, heavy rain, high winds, and nasty dust storms occasionally interrupt the usual stretch of hot, sunny, dry weather we enjoy each summer. These storms van be dangerous and it is important to follow these Tucson monsoon safety tips.
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With these extraordinary weather conditions, it’s important to be extra cautious and follow these Tucson monsoon safety tips, especially if you’re caught in them while on the road. Every year in Arizona, monsoon season contributes to thousands of injuries. To steer clear of accidents during monsoon season, here are some weather-driven Tucson monsoon safety tips to keep in mind.
Flash Floods
If you think a flash flood is on its way, trust your instincts. Always follow signs and turn around. Most flash flood deaths occur in vehicles, so never drive into a puddle or a flooded area. Moving water one to two feet deep will carry away most vehicles.
- Keep children away from creeks and washes when heavy rain is in the area.
- Be especially careful at night when water depth and road conditions are harder to see.
High Winds
Monsoon storms frequently produce strong downward rushes of air called microbursts. These winds can gust in excess of 100 mph and cause extensive property damage.
- Microbursts may generate areas of dense blowing dust, so avoid walking or driving into them at all costs. They could have debris or other harmful matter in them that could be deadly.
- If microbursts are approaching, move inside a sturdy building and stay away from windows.
Lightning and Thunderstorms
Remember this saying: “If the thunder roars, head indoors.” Lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a storm. If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you.
- Move inside a strong building or an enclosed hardtop vehicle.
- Avoid contact with wiring and plumbing during a thunderstorm; this includes appliances and corded phones.
- Always get out of the pool, and try to avoid being near water.
Dust Storms
If you do get caught up in a dust storm while driving, avoid running into another vehicle and make your vehicle less likely to be hit:
- Pull off the road and put the vehicle in park.
- Turn off the lights.
- Take your foot off the brake pedal.
From all of us here at Zanes Law, we hope everyone is cautious out there this monsoon season. Watch nature’s spectacular show of lightning, rain and high winds from a safe place.
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