March 23, 2015

Don’t swat just yet!
Yes, we know “That looks like a blood thirsty mosquito!” but it may not be…
In fact, it may likely be a Crane Fly…We can almost hear your next question: “Does it bite? If I get another bumpy itchy bite…!”
We are actually in the midst of crane fly season! Right now Southern Arizona is full of them because similar to mosquitoes, crane flies have aquatic larvae (aka they need an abundance of water) but many species also live in the soil.
In fact, our wetter-than-usual months leading up to Spring have the crane flies to vacationing in Arizona for their own little Spring Break!
Like we mentioned, adult crane flies do not bite, sting or suck blood. They are, in fact, harmless. While the larvae has the chewing mouthparts to feed on decomposing organic matter, adult crane flies do not, and many believe they don’t even eat at all during their roughly 2-week life span. If they do eat, they only eat nectar. If you have been finding these flies in your house, beware they are attracted to light, which is why they find a way into your house any time you open the door.
If you want them out of your house, make sure your windows, doors and screens are securely shut, and keep outside lights off near your doors.
For those squeamish souls out there, don’t worry! Crane flies are not here to stay – their population should be declining by the end of April.
In the meantime, Arizona Pest Control has provided some tips for keeping the crane fly out of your home!
1. Seal up any cracks and holes on the outside of your home including areas where utilities and pipes enter your home. Frequent vacuuming can help to eliminate tiny pests that other pests feed on.
2. Make sure vents are screened and gaps around windows and doors are sealed.
3. Keep tree branches and shrubbery well trimmed and away from the house.
4. Inspect boxes, grocery bags and other packaging thoroughly to curb hitchhiking insects.
5. Keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
6. Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of it regularly.
7. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and five inches off of the ground.
8. Repair fascia and soffits and rotted roof shingles; some insects are drawn to deteriorating wood.
9. Replace weather-stripping and repair loose mortar around the basement foundation and windows.
10. A licensed and qualified pest control professional is your best resource to ensure these steps are completed properly.
Thank you, Arizona Pest Control!
**For more help on preventing unwanted crane fly guests and any other pests, contact your local/preferred pest control company.