Zanes Law’s Holiday Gift 2014
If you are a part of the Zanes Law Team, you know how much the community means to us. Our mission to help clients get their lives back together after an accident shows the same passion and dedication that permeates the work we do with and for our Tucson community.
And if you ask the Tucson community, you’ll likely hear that Zanes has its hand in helping all year long! In fact, we have a committee (comprised of our very own employees) called Zanes Angels that keeps our spirits high and our hearts open to serving new organizations throughout the year.
The holidays are an especially special and vibrant time for all of us – we smile a little bigger, we hug a little longer, we express gratitude more freely and everything around us is a little brighter.
We also tend to give a lot more during the holidays – gifts, cards, love and more. This holiday season Zanes aims to help a group of people that often gets overlooked in the pile of toys for kids and the cans of food for the homeless.
This year Zanes is looking to help St. Luke’s Home, an assisted living facility for elderly individuals of limited financial means. St. Luke’s commitment is to provide quality of life for low-income seniors through independence, aging with dignity and self-empowerment.
Our commitment is to provide the elderly at St. Luke’s with a little more this holiday season. When we spoke to St. Luke’s they gave us a list of items that they are in most need of:
- Toiletries:
- shampoo
- toothpaste
- deodorant
- other toiletry items
- Small and regular-size blankets
- Slippers
- Socks
Each and every donation we receive from the community will be hand delivered by our very own Zanes Angel Committee. Our staff has already started filling up the donation box and we hope that you will help us too!
This year we have two office drop-off locations available to the community:
3501 East Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716, Suite 101
1185 West Irvington Rd. Tucson, AZ 85714, Suite 155
For more information on St. Luke’s Home, visit: