Love Your Lawyer Day 2015
November 6, 2015
Happy Love Your Lawyer Day 2015!
No, really it’s a real day!
Really it is…
We know it’s hard to believe what with all the less than positive reputations of lawyers but Fridays have been “Love Your Lawyer Day” for past 15 years!
Okay… take a seat if you need to but it’s been 15 years and counting but now it’s been made official by the American Bar Association!
This is the first year, that the ABA Law Practice Council, which passed a resolution in late October to recognize the special day on the first Friday of each November going forward.
All of this was just announced by the American Lawyer Public Image Association, a nonprofit that claims to be the” only organization dedicated to promoting the positive public image of lawyers.”
Founded in 2001 by Nader Anise, a legal marketer, the group is the driving force behind Love Your Lawyer Day, in which everyone around the world is encouraged to post photos and comments on Twitter, with the hash tag, #LoveYourLawyerDay, professing their deep love for lawyers…
Some of you are laughing but we are serious and so is the ABA!
Already, the hashtag is being used by various bar associations, lawyers and legal journalists.
“The reality is that lawyers are, for the most part, vilified in our society,” said Anise. “This day is about recognizing them, appreciating them and thanking them.”
As part of the day, Anise is calling upon everyone to refrain from uttering any “lawyer-bashing” jokes — violators must be fined $20 to donate to a charity of their choosing…
We like that here at Zanes Law 😉
“Why are lawyers any different from other people?” said Anise. “I know people don’t think they have feelings, but you know, they can get their feelings hurt, too.”
So who will be your Lawyer Crush Friday (LCF) this Friday? We’d LOVE To know!
Read below for more from the ABA resolution:
WHEREAS, Lawyers have consistently been the target of verbal bashing, derogatory portrayals and literature is rife with lawyer bashing dated back hundreds of years; and
WHEREAS, A 2013 Pew Research Center survey found lawyers last among ten professional categories for “contributions to society”;
WHEREAS, According to a 2014 Gallup survey, the public perception of lawyers on honesty and ethics is an unsatisfactory 21%; and…
WHEREAS, The portrayal of lawyers in American popular culture, including on television and cinema, is largely negative, which promotes a negative stereotype of lawyers in society…
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the American Bar Association Law Practice Division Council:
SECTION 1. The first Friday of November be recognized and celebrated as “Love Your Lawyer Day”, a day for the public to celebrate lawyers and express their gratitude to them for their affirmative contributions to the public good and the administration of justice.
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SECTION 2. Lawyers throughout the nation are urged to celebrate “Love Your Lawyer Day” to help promote a positive and more respected image of lawyers and their contributions to society and that they do so by providing pro bono legal services to their communities and supporting charitable causes that promote the administration of justice.
*Thank you Bloomberg BNA for the original article. Now we can all love our lawyers… at least the ones that we…well we love <3
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