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There are often options for pursuing compensation after a Phoenix, Arizona, car accident, even if the at-fault driver left the scene of the accident. It may be possible for your attorney or the police to identify the driver and build a case against them for financial recovery. This case will include pain and suffering and other non-economic losses.
Alternatively, you may have uninsured motorist coverage, health insurance coverage, or another type of insurance that will cover the cost of your treatment and possibly other losses. A Phoenix hit and run car accident lawyer can help you weigh your options.
In some cases, the police identify the hit and run driver who caused your accident in the hours or days afterward. When this happens, you can get their information from the police report, and your attorney can help you file an auto liability insurance claim based on their policy. This claim is the most common method of recovering compensation after a Phoenix car accident.
Alternatively, Arizona Revised Statutes 12-542 gives you two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit and seek an award.
Even if the police do not locate the driver, we encourage you to reach out to an attorney and enlist their help right away. In some cases, your attorney may uncover evidence the police overlooked, such as video of the accident from a nearby business or an eyewitness who wrote down the plate number.
If you can identify the at-fault driver, you can seek and potentially secure damages that include:
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Many motorists carry an uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) policy in addition to their legally required liability auto insurance policy. UM/UIM coverage generally pays out when the at-fault driver in an accident does not have the state-minimum liability coverage. It pays for the losses of the policyholder, covering their medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses up to the policy maximum.
This insurance policy will also cover the damages and expenses you incurred as a result of a hit and run driver if the driver cannot be identified. You will file a claim with your own insurance company and submit proof of your related expenses and losses.
There may also be additional options for recovering compensation after a Phoenix hit and run accident. Your lawyer can help you determine your options based on your individual situation and needs.
If you have collision coverage, your insurance company should pay for the repair or replacement of your vehicle. They may also cover other costs but will pursue the at-fault driver and seek to recover their funds if that driver is identified.
Your health insurance coverage will also do the same thing. They will likely approve your treatment and care for coverage but will want to be secondary to any other payment option, which means that they will want you to reimburse them or to take the money from the at-fault driver directly if the at-fault driver is identified during this process.
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No matter how you seek to recover compensation after a Phoenix hit and run, documenting your damages will play a significant role. Whether you file your case based on the other driver’s liability policy, your own UM/UIM policy, or other coverage, the insurance company will want to see the documentation of your expenses and losses.
We recommend collecting information in a folder or large envelope. This folder would include contact information for any witnesses, the police report or contact information for the responding officer, and receipts, bills, and estimates you receive. Your attorney may also help you enlist expert witnesses and take other steps to prove your range of damages.
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If you were the victim of a Phoenix hit and run car accident, an attorney from Zanes Law will review the facts of your case for free. We may be able to build a case and pursue compensation on your behalf. We handle these cases based on contingency. You only owe us attorney’s fees if we recover a payout for you.
Call (602) 999-9999 now to get started with your initial consultation. We can handle your consultation and sing-up in one call.
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