Contact Us (866) 499-8989
When you hire us, you're adding unmatched experience to your team, ensuring you get the best possible outcome.
Our firm maintains an impressive 99% win rate, even while accepting difficult cases other law firms have turned away.
We are not afraid of trial, and insurance companies know this. If it’s in your best interest, we are always trial ready.
No one ever expects to be involved in a car accident, suffer an injury, or need to begin looking for a Phoenix car accident attorney.
With the help of a Phoenix wrongful death lawyer, you should receive compensation for your losses.
When you are hurt in an accident, our Phoenix slip and fall lawyers are only a phone call away.
Our motorcycle accident lawyers in Phoenix understand how dangerous it can be to ride a bike. So much so that we have created safety articles for years.
Arizona’s insurance laws state that the person who is at fault for the accident is responsible for any injuries and compensable damages that resulted from the accident and does not share liability with the accident victim, as he or she would in a no-fault car insurance state.
When you report the claim to the driver’s insurance company, give it the information it needs to document the accident but do not admit guilt. If they want you to record a statement, you have the right to refuse. It may also try to dissuade you from contacting an attorney or offer to pay you money if you sign a release. Do nothing until you speak to an attorney.
They may purposefully delay responding to your emails, letters, or phone calls. They can ask for your medical records and look at your social media pages. They may try to blame you for your own injuries. Before consenting to anything the insurance company requests, speak with your Mesa bicycle accident lawyer.
If you were seriously injured in a bicycle accident, you may be able to file a claim for the damages you experienced in the accident, including:
Your attorney will help you determine the value of your damages and property losses to make sure you have included everything.
If you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Mesa, AZ, Zanes Law at (866) 499-8989 will help you get the compensation you need to move forward with your life. Call us for a free case evaluation. We will take care of your legal needs while you recover from your injuries and get back on the road again.